Saturday, March 1, 2008


& then there were none. quite honestly i really find the whole thing tedious. i have nothing to say. what the hell am i supposed to say? everyone's doing it & i just can't seem to find even a moderate interest. what do you want to know? i would rather sit down with someone & have a conversation. it's supposed to be easy to set this stuff up right? i still have no idea what's going on or how to do anything. maybe i should call this "life's a whinge". well, that's boring isn't it?
at least now i have some kind of idea of the purpose for the things.
do i want to learn? yes. do i want to be able to do it? yes. maybe i just need someone to sit down with me because i believe i've followed all instructions but am still not sure what's going on. y'all just need to think urselves lucky i'm keeping in mind work "etiquette" & not doing the whole expletive thingy.
i'm sure if i found the whole idea exciting i'd be doing a lot better. like my mobile - i luuuurve my mobile, i keep finding new & exciting things to do on it, with it, to it. maybe it's just a case of having it with you at all times & being able to constantly interact. i could do this thru my phone but am not sure i could be bothered - le sigh! and arthritic thumbs- don't get me started!
am i not really interested because i find it threatening? too challenging? is this really supposed to be a soul-searching forum? a little more positive thinking probably wouldn't go astray but all i am at this moment is annoyed. my coworkers may tell you that this is my normal state & they may not be far off the mark, but doesn't someone have to be the smoking gun?
libraries. we're supposed to be the gateway to knowledge, yeah? i get it. that's a good thing & here i am saying i have no idea what the hell use blogging is. okay, that's a lie, i actually think it could be incredibly useful for libraries in general, & our library in particular but it hasn't happened here yet....
okay, alright!! t-h-a-n-k-y-o-u. yes, i know, i've done all this whinging & ranting & complaining, but really i would still be sitting in my trogoloditic (?) existence wondering whatthehell everyone was going on about if it weren't for the learning2 course, so yes i am thankful if still a little bedazzled by all these bright lights & my brain keeps going into test-pattern mode as it tries to assimilate all this new fandangled technology. poor little ole brainy-o, i'll get it a rum & let it ferment a bit before subjecting it to more incoming data.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Wow - you have been giving this a lot of thought. Thanks for sharing.
